Pain, Diabetes, Blood Pressure+
Use our menu to find the collection that would assist you the most

10 Drops alleviates menstrual cramps, charlie horses, and muscle spasms in minutes
Clears out kidney stones and gallstones
Alleviates seizures, numbness, and tingling in limbs

Oman's best product for arthritic and rheumatic pain
Varicose vein pain
Restore bone density
Sinus inflammation
Fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, joint/ neck/ back pain
Internal use for pain relief

Rub on the body to release muscle tension, aches and pains in minutes
Great addition to your massage for full relaxation
Can be used after physical therapy
External Use for pain relief
Irish Sea

Reduces swelling from injuries throughout parts of the body
Pain relief from heavy lifting

Balances blood sugar
Improves vision problems associated with diabetes such as blurred vision, glaucoma, cataracts, retinopathy, hardening of the arteries
Alleviates skin problems, chronic fatigue, gout, UTI's, kidney disease
Blended with A Drink of Life

Urinary incontinence, frequent urination, urgency
Balance insulin levels
regenerate pancreatic tissue
Manage sudden fluctuation in blood sugar
A Drink of Life

Balances Blood sugar
Kick sugar cravings
Suppress appetite by drinking 30 mins before a meal
Cleanses colon, liver, kidney, pancreas
Improves function of heart, brain, lungs, immune system

High Blood Pressure is caused by a restriction of the blood vessels, the antioxidants found in the maté relaxes the system, allowing for those vessels to open back up which increases the flow of oxygen throughout the body

Earth cleans the debri from the veins and arteries, making clear passage for blood flow

90 vitamins and minerals
18-20 amino acids
This superfood replaces your daily vitamin