Mental & Brain Health
Our curated collection of products prioritizing mental health, optimizing your brains' health, and improving your imagination & creativity

Boosts Creativity
Increases blood flow to the brain, improves the function of veins
Improves attention, learning, memory
Lessens anxiety
Boosts natural collagen production (skin elasticity)

Create new neuropathways; improve memory, make better decisions, and make new habits stick
Decalcifies pineal gland: increase creativity and stay focused
See new possibilities and broaden your horizons with improved cognition

Removes heavy metals from the brain & body which contribute to brain fog
Increase ability to pay attention and focus longer
Replenishes the body with over 100 trace minerals, preventing anxiety and nervousness
Prevents seizures

Triggers the production of stem cells
Helps nerve damage
Heal after aneurism, contusions, and stroke

Protect against neurological disorders like Parkinson's/ Alzheimer's
Improves Chorea (involuntary, irregular, unpredictable muscle movements, convulsions)
Ease anxiety & depression

Minerals are the building blocks for the brain. Our authentic Irish Sea Moss contains 93 of the 102 trace minerals that give your brain and body the nutrients it needs to work at it's best
Includes magnesium, which helps you sleep better at night
To learn more, click above to visit the product page.

Balances hormones that are responsible for mood swings, irritability, anxiety, depression, and nervousness
Alleviates insomnia and sleep apnea, migraine headaches
Improves the brain immune system
Increased alertness, attention, decreases ADHD symptoms
Fights mental and emotional disorders
To learn more, click above to visit the product page.

Balances hormones that are responsible for mood swings, irritability, anxiety, depression, and nervousness
Brain tonic; Improves the immune system