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How are your Resolutions going?

Build more.
Think clearer.
Dream bigger.
Live better.

What does Mullien-Mate help with?


  • Lung Detox
  • Alleviates hoarseness, coughing, and bronchitis
  • Promote the discharge of mucus and soothes mucous membranes
  • Enhances oxygen flow throughout the body
  • Asthma, Allergies, Flu, Common cold
  • Tuberculosis, tonsillitis, and pneumonia
  • Relieves swollen glands, sinus issues, and swollen joints
  • Emphysema, bleeding bowels, and lung issues
  • Great for those who deal with smoke inhalation; smokers, firefighters, wood workers, car technicians, chemical plant workers, etc


Mullien-Mate is blended with our Drink of Life to enhance the nourishment to your mind and body, and comes with all of it's benefits 


Drink 2-6 cups a day (maximum of 48 ounces) for best results.



Tips For fighting sickness; cold, flu, and fever: Drink 2-6 cups a day. (max 48 ounces)  Add 3 drops of our Orega Now to a hot cup of Mullien-Mate. Orega Now's anti viral (fights viruses), anti bacterial, and anti fungal properties stops a fever in its tracks. Drink before its cold.

Oman's Mullein-Maté


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